Every Leader a Leader of SEND
This online session, delivered in association with Whole School SEND and Merton Local Authority as part of the safety valve work, is designed for school leaders with their Inclusion leads.
This workshop will look at the national context as well as our statutory duties as set out in the SEND code of practice and Equality Act as essential foundations to build the school’s individual SEND strategy and provision. It will touch briefly on how inclusive leaders build and develop the role of the SENCO and distribute leadership for SEND in inclusive schools.
The workshop will look at how creating a high-level one page inclusion summary can be used strategically by school to move practice forward.
Who can join?
Leadership teams from Merton schools
Cost: Free to Merton schools
Date: TBC
Facilitator: Tina Harvey, Lead Consultant, Regional SEND Lead South East South London, Whole School SEND
Delivery: Online
Bookings: Please click here
Any questions please email msta@perseid.merton.sch.uk or phone 02086489737 (Upper School option)